Product Market Fit BootCamp
Announcing the June 2023 cohort, based on 9.6/10 recommendation by founders
My next cohort of six-week online Product Market Fit BootCamp starts on June 13, 2023.
Please share with tech founders who may benefit from this; or they can email me directly at
This course is for the tech founders & CEOs who are serious about speeding up their PMF plans to improve their chances of success, especially in this economic climate.
It was gratifying to see that founders from different domains (hardware, regulatory compliance, and traditional SaaS) found the course valuable.
I cover several topics like customer archetypes, company story, product positioning, category point of view, go-to-market strategies and finding the right talent.
“How likely are you to recommend this course to others?”
The Average Rating for Maven cohort is 9.6/10
The Average Rating across ALL cohorts is 9.1/10 & the Median Rating 10/10
The testimonials have also been encouraging.
“Dramatically helped with every aspect of our company, and subsequently, with fundraising.” Nawar Alsafar, Founder - Bytez, AI research discovery company
“As a super busy founder, it can be challenging to carve out the time for deep thinking strategy and flow work. This class was a mechanism for me to carve out that time -- both during class sessions and later in the week to review material. This was invaluable.” Hannah Sieber, Founder, ArtyC, a cold-chain shipping company
“Not many founders have gone thru this much rigor in PMF. They absolutely need to.” Navneet Singh, Co-Founder & CEO - StepFunction, Customer SaaS company
Check out the course here.